Terms & Conditions of Event Submissions:
Post only events that occur within Ouray County limits, are affiliated with a Ouray County business, organization, or nonprofit, AND are open to the public. We know that our neighboring municipalities have some great events going on, but we are focusing on promoting and showcasing what’s happening in Ouray County ONLY.
No Yard Sales
No Private Birthdays or Anniversaries
No Private Meetings or Events
Business specials must run weekly for at least 3 months to be listed (ie: Thursday is burger night --- NOT specific menu item specials)
And although we know that your daughter or son’s birthday party is an event to celebrate and your neighbor’s yard sale might have some good finds, we do not allow you to post those kinds of private or individual events in this forum, either.
We want this site to serve as a robust reflection of Ouray County's government, business, nonprofit, arts & culture, and healthy living events, all of which have appeal not just to Ouray County citizens, but to visitors as well.
If we can focus on listing those kinds of events on this site, it will help to strengthen and promote our community at large.